Michael A. Carter is a native Floridian who graduated from Florida State University College of Law in 2002. His career has included diverse practice areas such as probate, landlord tenant and criminal defense. Currently, he is a solo practitioner attorney specializing in the areas of family law and civil matters.
Michael is passionate about dispute resolution. He has mediated thousands of family and circuit cases for almost 20 years. Certified as a county, family, and circuit civil mediator, and a qualified arbitrator, Michael is also a certified assistant trainer for county and family mediations.
Formerly a staff mediator for the Ninth Judicial Circuit, he is currently a contract family mediator with the Ninth Judicial Circuit’s Orange and Osceola Counties’ Dispute Resolution Services Departments.
Michael encourages and believes in public service. He serves on the Florida Dispute Resolution Center’s Mediator Qualifications Discipline Review Board and the Mediation Training Review Board. He is also a frequent assistant county mediation trainer for Barry Law School and a member of the Alternative Dispute Resolution section of the Florida Bar